Independent Online Entrepreneur

Independent Online Entrepreneur
"Live Your Life As An Entrepreneur"

A True Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur Definition
An entrepreneur is a person who organizes a venture to benefit from an opportunity rather than working as an employee.
As the main decision maker, the entrepreneur monitors and controls the business activities.
Entrepreneurs who prove to be successful in taking on the risks of a startup are rewarded with profits, fame and continued growth opportunities.
These are the people who have the skills and initiative necessary to anticipate current and future needs and bring good new ideas to market.
Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy.
An Online Entrepreneur
The minute you decide to do something on the internet, the minute you decide to do something for yourself to generate revenue, guess what, you just made the decision to be an entrepreneur.
And I applaud you for that.
Because entrepreneurs do good things in the world.
These are the people who make the economy and the world go around.
They bring value to the market and to the community.
And they get rewarded for it.
Our job is to figure out how to do it better and do it to the best of our ability.
We need to figure out how to do this properly and figure out how to become more valuable to the people we serve.
And the more people we serve, the more we get rewarded.
Your goal is to become great at digital marketing.
If you get good at marketing, get good at communicating what you’ve got and present it in a way that makes sense to people, you'll never have to worry about making sales.
Which is encouraging, because to the degree that you can learn and implement, you can increase your income.

So how do you win as an online entrepreneur?
The way you win is this...
You resolve to become independent.
You start your own business.
The trendy thing among a lot of people in our space is to join some deal.
Don’t do that.
Go for being independent.
Learn new skills and apply them online.
That’s how you sustain success.
Knowledge is yours to keep.
So develop the awareness and understanding as it relates to business.
As it relates to generating income.
That's how you become independent.
There is so much need out there in the marketplace for what we do.
If you learn these skills, you can really help people.
Help them get started online.
Help them learn this stuff.
Most people and companies have no idea how to market or how to brand themselves.
And they would like to learn.
You can recommend educational products.
You can provide some sort of service.
You can introduce people to online business strategies, traffic generation, creating a prospect and customer base, building sales funnels and websites.
That’s your opportunity.
That is how you build yourself a long term sustainable business.
Here's the thing...
You're going to put in the work anyways.
Whether you're an employee or an entrepreneur.
So you might as well put that work towards something that’s yours.
Something that's going to be around forever.
I wanna to inspire you...
I want to tell you that it's possible.
Heck, it's probable for anyone with a strong desire...
That's how you win as an online entrepreneur.
- Brian MacDonald

And yes, you can do this...
Most people don’t realize how close to success they actually are.
The gap between where you are right now and where you want to be is really tiny.
It’s not that big.
And it’s not that complicated.
​Get yourself a mentor, someone who is getting the results in the area that you want to improve in and model what they do.
As an aspiring online entrepreneur:
The Work is in the Being...
Working on yourself every day.
Being confident in your ability to succeed.
Being committed to learning new skills.
Being aware and understanding how to generate revenue online.
The Receiving is in the Doing...
Doing income producing activities.
Building affiliate marketing campaigns, advertising and tracking results.
Setting up multiple streams of income.
Scaling up your marketing efforts to massive levels.
Be... Do... Have...